Welcome to InkblotSports.com!

The main purpose of this site is to help bring clarity to how the committees produce regional rankings and make selections for eleven NCAA Division II sports:

From the 2024–25 index, you can select a sport, school, or conference, each of which will send you to a second index from which you can reach the desired statistical page: either a team page (detailing that team’s stats and schedule), or a conference page (listing the stats for every team in the conference), or a region page (listing the stats for every team in the region). All the tables are sortable, and whenever you see the name of a team or conference it will be a link.

Each page has tabs through which you can view the stats at the time of the three pre-selection regional rankings. In most sports, rankings are released on Wednesdays and do not reflect results from the previous two days; the tab view allows the data to be continually updated while preserving the numbers that will be reflected in the rankings.

Generally, the stats I’ve included for each sport are the same ones that appear on the PDFs that are released alongside the rankings. There are a few exceptions; the “winning percentage plus SOS” formula that I include for football is not an official criterion, but it seems to be useful in predicting rankings. New for 2024–25: KPI is now a criterion in several sports. It is only available from Faktor Sports, as I don’t know how to calculate it.

Games against non-D2 opponents do not count in the selection criteria (with the possible exception of KPI), nor do games against the Puerto Rico schools; therefore none of these are shown on the site.

A common question I get is why some opponents that are not within the same region are counted as in-region. The rules governing this are somewhat complicated, and are listed here.

I will continue to post ranking predictions on Twitter (@InkblotSports) for all eleven sports; these will be released early to Patreon supporters. You can contact me on Twitter or by email at papyrusinkblot@gmail.com.

This website is run by one person, and the amount of time spent maintaining it and doing ranking predictions is enough that I would likely be unable to continue if I had a full-time job. If you believe that what I do is valuable to the D2 sports community, please consider supporting me on Patreon at patreon.com/inkblotsports. If you would like to support me without an ongoing monthly payment, I am also on Buy Me a Coffee.